Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Depth Review: Robin Li and Baidu Growing Pains

Lot of criticism in a short time; a support who have been users of the Internet companies, many in a short time attack. Robin Li, Baidu, which is now the exposure environment. 1 year and 1 year after the image of the two great changes both in the overnight. What of those infected with what they chigger? Logically speaking, one after the Nasdaq listing standards stricter test of the industry the company should be a model. Baidu careful study, in addition to the lofty stock price is attractive to the industry and its practices so that there are too many incomprehensible between. Perhaps Baidu sprint speed is too fast, so fast that not even have time to reflect. However, without a review, but the company is facing many crises, how can it do long-distance running has been pretty down to earth manner? Beat is also a giant. Well, Baidu What exactly is a business? Baidu in the end the question why concentrated outbreak in a short time? Robin Li, Baidu continues to Xiaoying world can bring? ... ... Placed in a range of issues head Baidu need careful inquiry of the Chinese Internet sector.

I do not know by chance or deliberately by the. In Wang Yan, Charles Zhang and Ding Lei other three iconic figures of China's Internet at the same time absence, Robin Li became China Internet Conference 2006 on the star character.

September 21, 2006, Beijing International Convention Center, guests gathered in the annual China Internet Conference being held here. China's three major portals (Sina, Sohu and Netease) the CEO for the first time the absence of the General Assembly at the same time.

In the Internet conference, and the day before the meeting, the Council of the China Internet Society meeting, Robin Li had serious coat off, suddenly become pro and up. He not only makes an appearance, but also the trouble in the General Assembly podium participants willing to do an admirer of the photo "props." Face image of the changes to the Robin Li, there was a look of surprise participating media colleagues said: "I've never seen him in public so active, he did not encounter any wedding it!"

In fact, Robin Li did just experienced something to celebrate: the day after the vice president of the China Internet Association, co-opted the meeting, all Council members voted unanimously agreed to add his unit as vice president. He is the only addition of the vice president of the General Assembly.

After all, only a happy event, but at this time encountered trouble Baidu is a connected one, and the issues were not resolved. Robin Li, Baidu was elected vice president does not give a "joyous." Therefore, the scene is evident to see that the General Assembly, even though Robin Li and show your face relaxed, his heart troubles are also ready to come out - Baidu connection with the recent Rehuoshangshen: From July 10 layoffs were condemned lightning start, Baidu the meeting misfortune to another, and labor arbitration lost, big fight with Sohu bickering, the policy has changed channels, provoked outrage, advertisers Dumen protest, and SAN FRANCISCO struggle between right and wrong, and even former employees were killed in the company is also the case turned out by the industry.

In reality, children grow up to 6 years of age is bound to undergo bone development of growing pains. Baidu company is also the age of 6 years of age, should it fall into another "youth troubles."

Chapter Baidu over favored

"Baidu about a problem" - which many Chinese people have become familiar advertisements.

Technical genius Robin Li, with the persistent pursuit and unremitting efforts, smart operation, only six years of effort to put up the Nasdaq market, the first China concept stocks - Baidu. It is not only today's Nasdaq shares of China stocks in the highest one, even for Baidu's market share of 62.1% ranked as China's Internet search market dominance.

But when the third party look at Baidu's time, it was found that their success in addition to their own efforts, luck is also a great blessing.

However, the well-known fact is: fortune does not always bless anyone. And search is only a tool for finding information, it is not all information processing, more non-Internet is all about. Therefore, the search at this stage sought after by some, there may be another hot stage.

Unexpected success

Robin Li, male, born in Yangquan, Shanxi 1968.

In 1987, the 19-year-old Robin Li luggage back to Beijing to study at this time, he does not expect to actually have the opportunity to study abroad; start when Lee returned, he is also very difficult to guess that they can have today.

Christmas 1999, Robin Li carries 1.2 million U.S. dollars set foot on the return journey of entrepreneurship. Prior to that he used the opportunity to return each year wandering around and see what high-tech companies are doing, what the research universities, the people of the computer doing. Until 1999, the National Day, we started printing business cards on e-mail address, and the street was wearing a printed ". Com" T-shirts, he concluded that the Internet in China mature, can be a great environment. The Robin Li's money personal book about it - even in 2023 less than a penny earned, but also to ensure the whole family can live a normal life - time to quit business.

March 2000, no child no red balloon red silk, and no one remember clearly whether the listed company. In such circumstances, Baidu in the Beijing Zhongguancun resources near the hotel 1414,1417 (two house numbers are not very lucky) in two rooms opened. At that time, Robin Li, Baidu management to set the initial two disciplines: no smoking, pets are not allowed.

Baidu early, in addition to financial, treasury, administrative and technical personnel are all outside, Robin Li and other colleagues also offering Sales, full-time technical staff is only 5.

At the time, not what people expect Baidu. May 2000, they found its first customer - eNet (eNet). Robin Li was pleased to quickly organized a very big conscious news conference. To a question and answer time, Robin Li waited full of hope to answer questions, but no reporters raised their hands to ask questions. We do not know Robin Li and Baidu in the end can do.

After the Spring Festival of 2002, Baidu has won 80% of the market share, Robin Li, or with a worried frown, because companies do not make money. He realized that business is sure there is a problem. Reference to the United States has been concerned with the industry experience of Overture, Robin Li proposed transfer of force direction, do your own website, and the introduction of PPC.

Baidu's transition to persuade the Nasdaq investors, they believe Robin Li will be successful. The evening of 5 August 2005, Beijing time 11:40, Baidu formally listed on the NASDAQ in the United States. To close the first day of trading, Baidu shares to 122.54 U.S. dollars, up 3.958 billion U.S. dollars market value, the stock rose to a frenzied 353.85%.

Even so, no one claims that Baidu is a great company. Indeed, Baidu's success so unexpected, and with Robin Li's words, "Baidu's performance of the world's surprise." It also made his own surprise.

Fortunately Baidu

With the rapid development of Internet, the information to explode, the search has subsequently become a life essential users basic applications, is under this background, the search engines become the new darling of the Internet. Baidu to search for the main industry in its lucky every time.

Knowledgeable persons in view, the search engine is not new. In 2005, a search conference, search technology, celebrity week Anchor in his speech said: search for what? That in the past about the search.

Search, is in the vast ocean of information to find the necessary information and means of a technique, it began to do research mainly in the service of scholars to write papers. 80s in the last century has been the theme when searching full-text search, etc. Many research outcomes.

With the invention and development of the Internet, it significantly broadens the search purposes, for public use as an everyday tool. Also, the amount of information the Internet is no longer limited to academia and its coverage, it becomes ubiquitous, huge, and at any time the content is also updated and growth cycle, tens of billions pages of information and everything in tens of millions of websites in the world, not the content of continuing to collect (in the industry known as "spider crawl") technology, an effective method to judge the content of the value, classification and indexing tools while serving tens of millions of users simultaneous access to the platform, Internet searches service out of the question.

It is in this case, the search engine has been developed rapidly and created many miracles. Internationally, from the last century since the mid-90s, in addition to today has become a portal Yahoo and Microsoft's MSN, the market has seen Excite, Infoseek, AltaVista, Lycos and other search engines is technically very good provider. Last Google With strong R & D focus and strength all the way driving into the distance, listed only 10 months more than the wealth of the rich West Asia United Arab Emirates.

Baidu also is in this context to grow up, and foreign giants simply can not on its threat. Localization remains a U.S. company to enter the Chinese market bottlenecks, Google is also not spared, either Kai-fu Lee continuous personnel changes or the reinforcement of six experts, and now do not appear to play a role in reversing the weakness of their markets.

Not only that, Google's success in the Nasdaq also helped Baidu's busy. Week anchor to the "IT Times" said: very good luck Baidu, Baidu's story is very easy for U.S. investors to understand and be convinced, and the low cost of storytelling, Baidu, etc. So Google in China or Chinese language Internet content search replica of the Chinese Internet market is rising, the future will be more than the United States.

Chapter 100 disease-ridden

Nasdaq sweet champagne, but also intoxicating, investors hope that the money people want to wear the look uneasy, the young Baidu and its managers will inevitably face pressure to know what to do so. Even worse, because the sprint too fast, so stay down Baidu with no self-reflection of the time.

銆??鐧惧害鍙戠敓鐨勭涓?捣闇囨儕涓浗浜掕仈缃戠晫鐨勫ぇ浜嬪氨鏄?闂數瑁佸憳鈥濅簨浠讹紝浠庝竴涓晶闈㈠弽鏄犲嚭鐧惧害姝e湪鎵垮彈鐫?潵鑷撼鏂揪鍏嬬殑宸ㄥぇ鍘嬪姏锛岃?鍏剁鐞嗗眰瀵逛簨浠剁殑澶勭疆璁╀汉鐪嬪埌杩欎釜灏戝勾寰楀織鍏徃鍏跺疄宸叉槸鐧剧柧缂犺韩銆?br />





銆??鍙槸鐭煭鐨勫崄鍑犲垎閽熷墠锛屽寘鎷緪闈掕櫣鍦ㄥ唴鐨凟S閮ㄩ棬鍛樺伐锛岀獊鐒惰嚜宸卞氨琚叕鍙歌鎺変簡锛屽鏁板憳宸ヤ粠蹇冪悊涓婇兘鏃犳硶鎺ュ彈杩欎竴浜嬪疄銆備絾姝ゆ椂宸茬粡鏄笅鍗?鐐?0鍒嗭紝璺濊瑕佹眰绂诲紑鍏徃鐨勬椂闄愪粎鏈?涓灏忔椂銆傜櫨搴﹀苟娌℃湁缁欏嵆灏嗙鑱岀殑鍛樺伐鎬濊?涓庣敵璇夌殑绌烘。銆傚緪闈掕櫣鐢ㄢ?閿汉鈥濇潵褰㈠姝ゆ浜嬩欢澶勭悊鐨勯?搴﹀拰鍐疯銆?br />

銆??2006骞?鏈?2鏃ワ紝鐧惧害瀹樻柟缁欏嚭瑙i噴鏄細瑙f暎浼佷笟杞欢浜嬩笟閮ㄧ殑鍘熷洜鏄閮ㄩ棬涓氬姟涓庢牳蹇冧笟鍔℃柟鍚戣儗绂伙紝骞跺皢濡ュ杽瀹夌疆鐩稿叧浜哄憳銆備絾琚鍛樺伐锛堢敋鑷冲鐣岋級鍗存櫘閬嶈涓猴紝杩欐瑁佸憳鐨勭洰鐨勫氨鏄?鎷挎帀鈥濊嚜宸辨嫢鏈夌殑灏嗚繎2000涓囧厓鐨勮偂绁ㄦ湡鏉冿紝浠ヤ究璁╁湪7鏈堜笅鏃叕甯冪殑鐧惧害鏂颁竴瀛h储鎶ユ洿鈥滃ソ鐪嬧?銆?br />
銆??鐧惧害涓婂競鍚庯紝璧勬湰甯傚満鐨勫帇鍔涘浜庢潕褰﹀畯鏉ヨ鍙樺緱鐜板疄鑰屼弗宄汇?灏界涓婂競鍏徃鏈韩骞朵笉鑳戒粠鑲′环涓婂崌涓幏寰楁敹鐩婏紝浣嗚偂浠峰崌闄嶅涓?釜鍏徃鐨勬暣浣撳舰璞″嵈鍙互閫犳垚鐩存帴褰卞搷锛屽洜姝わ紝濡備綍璁╄祫鏈競鍦虹湅鍒颁笟缁╁苟鎭㈠淇″績锛屽浣曞湪闀挎湡杩滄櫙鍜岀煭鏈熺泩鍒╀箣闂村彇寰楁洿濂界殑骞宠 锛岃繖鏄潕褰﹀畯闇?闈㈠鐨勫彟涓?釜鎸戞垬銆?br />
銆??鏈変笓瀹跺氨姝よ〃绀猴細姝f槸鍥犱负杩囧幓鍑犲勾鐧惧害缁忚惀鏀跺叆鏈夌潃鎺ヨ繎200%鐨勫闀匡紝鑲″競涓婃墠浼氭湁濡傛鈥滃杩光?銆傚敖绠$櫨搴﹁繎鏉ュ湪涓浗鐨勫競鍦轰笂绾风悍鏀樻敇璐熼潰娑堟伅浼楀锛屼絾杩滃湪缇庡浗鐨勬姇璧勪汉骞舵棤鎰熷彈銆備粬浠彧鏄墽鐫?湴锛屾垨璁告槸鍗曠函鍦扮湅浣犵殑鎶ヨ〃鍜屾暟瀛楋紝鎵?互锛岀櫨搴︾殑鑲′环闄や簡鍏跺叕甯冧笂涓?鐨勫鎶ヤ箣鏃ユ湁涓?釜涓嬫粦锛岃繖涓や釜鏈堣繕鏄竴璺?楂樻瓕鐚涜繘鈥濓紝鍙堟定鍥炰簡90澶氱編鍏冪殑浠蜂綅锛岃?鎶曡祫鑰呬滑琚箣鍓嶇殑涓氱哗璋冭捣鐨勮儍鍙o紝鑷劧鏄湡寰呯潃浣犱笅涓?銆佷笅涓?勾鏈夌潃鍚屾牱鐨勮〃鐜帮紝鍘嬪姏鍙兂鑰岀煡銆?br />
銆??姝ゅ锛屼腑鍥戒簰鑱旂綉鐨勬瑺鍙戣揪涔熷緢闅捐鏉庡溅瀹忓敖鎯呮柦灞曟嫵鑴氾紝涓?洿缁存寔杈冮珮鐨勫競鐩堢巼銆?br />
銆??鍦ㄤ腑鍥斤紝铏界劧浜掕仈缃戠殑缃戞皯浜烘暟浼楀锛屼絾鏅強鐜囧緢浣庯紝涓嶅埌9%锛岃?涓旓紝鍗充究鏄笂缃戠殑1浜垮缃戞皯涓紝涔熸病鏈夊灏戞槸浠ュ晢涓氬簲鐢ㄤ负鐩殑銆傛牴鎹壘鐟炵殑甯傚満鍒嗘瀽鎶ュ憡锛屼腑鍥戒簰鑱旂綉鏈嶅姟鐨勬敹鍏ユ潵婧愮粷澶у鏁版槸鏉ヨ嚜涓汉娑堣垂锛屾垨鏄釜浜轰粯璐圭殑甯傚満锛屼紒涓氭敮浠樿垂鐢ㄧ殑甯傚満铏界劧鍦ㄥ闀匡紝浣嗕笌涓浗浼佷笟鐨勫彂灞曢?搴︾浉姣旇繕寰堝皬銆?br />
銆??鏉庡溅瀹忓姝ょ湅寰楅潪甯告竻妤氾紝鍦?006骞翠簰鑱旂綉澶т細涓婁粬璁查亾锛氣?涓浗甯傚満鐜板湪杩樻槸涓?釜寰堝垵绾у緢骞煎皬鐨勫競鍦猴紝寰堜笉鎴愮啛鐨勫競鍦恒?鈥?br />
銆??鍛ㄩ敋璁や负锛氭潕褰﹀畯鐨勫彂瑷?湅鏉ユ槸璇曞浘鍚戞姇璧勮?浼犻?淇″彿锛屽弽鏄犱腑鍥藉競鍦虹殑鐪熷疄鎯呭喌锛岃皟浣庝粬浠殑蹇冪悊棰勬湡锛屼粠鑰岄檷浣庢潵鑷偂甯傜殑鍘嬪姏銆?br />
銆??绠$悊鑳藉姏鍙楄川鐤?br />

銆??鍦?005骞村垵鐨勬椂鍊欐暣涓叕鍙镐汉鏁版槸400浜哄乏鍙筹紝鐜板湪鏄?800浜恒?鍦ㄤ竴鑸紒涓氾紝灏ゅ叾鏄珮鎶?湳琛屼笟锛屽緢灏戜細鍑虹幇浜哄憳闄″鐨勭幇璞°?闈㈠鐭椂闂村唴鍛樺伐鏁伴噺鐨勫墽澧烇紝鍔犱箣涓棿鐨勪笂甯傦紝棰嗗灞傜殑绠$悊鑳藉姏缁忓彈鐫?弗鏍肩殑鑰冮獙銆?br />

銆??浠庝汉鍛樻灦鏋勪笂鐪嬪苟涓嶇己灏戜粈涔堬紝鍙技涔庢病鏈変竴涓汉鏇剧粡鍦ㄦ暟鍗冧汉鐨勫ぇ鍏徃骞茶繃绠$悊鐨勶紝鍞竴鍙互鐚滄祴鏈夊ぇ鍥㈤槦绠$悊缁忛獙鐨勪篃灏辨槸鏈辨椽娉簡銆傚彲鍦?990骞翠唬鐨勭敤鍙嬶紝鍙堣兘甯姪浠栫Н绱灏戞瑙勫叕鍙哥殑绠$悊缁忛獙锛?br />



銆??鐩村埌8鏈?2鏃ワ紝鐧惧害鎵嶆寮忓杩欒捣妗堜欢缁欏嚭鍥炲銆傜劧鑰岋紝鍦ㄤ繚鎸佸崐骞寸殑缂勯粯鏈熼棿锛岀櫨搴︿粎瀵硅瀹冲憳宸ュ仛浜嗏?閫傚綋鎶氭仱鈥濓紝濮嬬粓鏈嬁鍑烘湁鍏充抚钁垂銆佽鎶氬吇浜虹敓娲昏垂鍜屾浜¤禂鍋块噾绛夊悗浜嬩簨瀹滅殑澶勭悊鏂规銆?br />
銆??鍦ㄤ汉鍛藉叧澶╃殑閲嶆闈㈠墠锛岀櫨搴﹀凡缁忚〃鐜扮鐞嗕笂鏄庢樉涓嶈冻銆?br />
銆??绁镐笉鍗曡锛屸?闂數瑁佸憳鈥濅簨浠跺皻鏈鐞嗗畬姣曪紝鐧惧害鍙堥櫡鍏ヤ笌澶╂瀬缃戠殑璇夎鏃嬫丁涔嬩腑銆?br />



銆??姊佸啲鐨勨?涓洪毦鈥?br />
銆??鍊煎緱娉ㄦ剰鐨勬槸锛屽湪姊佸啲鎷呬换涓撹亴鍏叧甯傚満宸ヤ綔鐨勫壇鎬昏涔嬪悗锛岀櫨搴︾殑褰㈠娍渚濈劧娌℃湁鎵浆銆?br />
銆??涓?綅鐭ユ儏鈥滅寧澶粹?鍚戙?IT鏃朵唬鍛ㄥ垔銆嬮?闇诧紝2004骞寸櫨搴︽浘缁忓鎵樹粬瀵绘壘甯傚満鍓?銆備絾鍚庢潵锛屾潕褰﹀畯閫夋嫨浜嗗墠鍑ゅ嚢鍗鐨勨?鍚嶅槾鈥濇鍐?鍧婇棿瑙傚療浜哄+鎸囧嚭锛屾鍐负鐧惧害鍒涙剰鐨勨?I鈥濆瓧骞垮憡杩樻槸寰堟湁鍛抽亾鐨勩?浼拌姊佸啲鑷韩鐨勮烦妲戒篃涓虹櫨搴﹀甫鏉ヤ簡涓嶅皯鏄庢槦鐨勭溂鐞冩晥搴斻?鍙瀵间竴涓編鍥戒笂甯傚叕鍙哥殑甯傚満锛屽氨鏈変簺闅句负浠栦簡銆?br />
銆??鎼滅储缃戠珯鐩墠鐨勭泩鍒╂ā寮忎富瑕佹槸鍚勭鍚勬牱鐨勫箍鍛婏紝鐪嬭捣鏉ヤ技濯掍綋锛屼絾瀹冩瘯绔熻繕娑夊強寰堝鐨勪俊鎭鐞嗘妧鏈?鑰屾鍐互鍓嶉暱鏈熺疆韬簰鑱旂綉鍦堝锛屾寚鏈涗粬鍦ㄧ煭鏈熷唴瀹屽叏铻嶅叆鎼滅储鎶?湳鍦堝唴锛岃繖瀵逛粬鏄竴涓?涓洪毦鈥濓紱鍏舵锛屾鍐師鏉ュ仛鐢佃濯掍綋涓绘寔浜猴紝涔犳儻浜嗗鐫?暅澶翠竴瀵瑰鍦板崟鍚戜紶鎾?鐜板湪鏄仛棰嗗锛屽仛棰嗗鐨勭涓?熀鏈姛鏄矡閫氾紝杩欎笉浠呮槸鎸囩櫨搴﹀叕鍙稿唴閮ㄧ殑娌熼?锛屾洿瑕佹搮闀垮澶栨矡閫氥?鑰屼綔涓轰紒涓氫唬瑷?汉锛屾鍐簲璇ュ湪娌熼?涓洿澶氭槸鑱嗗惉澶栫晫鐨勫0闊炽?浣嗕粬鏄剧劧鍦ㄨ繖鏂归潰涔熷仛寰椾笉澶熴?鏈夊獟浣撳悓琛屽憡璇夋湰鍒婅鑰咃紝浠栧湪涓?涓庢鎬荤殑闀挎椂闂存矡閫氫腑锛岃寰楀鐨勬槸瀵规柟鑰屼笉鏄嚜宸便?鐪嬫潵鑱嗗惉宸ヤ綔瀵逛粬鏄張涓?釜鈥滀负闅锯?銆?br />

銆??闈㈠绠$悊涓婇潰鍑虹幇鐨勯棶棰橈紝鏉庡溅瀹忓凡缁忔剰璇嗗埌浜嗭紝骞跺仛鍑轰簡涓?簺浜轰簨璋冩暣锛岃繖鍖呮嫭鎶婃鍐粠甯傚満鍏叧鍓?瑁佽皟鏁翠负鍏徃鍒涙剰鍓?瑁併?鎹?IT鏃朵唬鍛ㄥ垔銆嬫帉鎻$殑鐧惧害鍐呴儴閭欢鏄剧ず锛屽湪鑷村叕鍙稿叏浣撳憳宸ョ殑閭欢涓紝鏉庡溅瀹忓凡缁忔剰璇嗗埌鍏叧闂鍑哥幇鐧惧害鐨勬垚闀跨殑鐑︽伡锛屼粬璁や负杩欎簺闂灏ゅ叾鏄惧嚭鏂囧寲浠峰?寤鸿鐨勫繀瑕佹?銆備粬杩樺悓鏃舵寚鍑衡?姊佸啲鍦ㄦ枃鍖栧強濯掍綋鐮旂┒鏂归潰鐨勭粡楠屽彲鍗忓姪鐧惧害鐨勬枃鍖栧缓璁锯?銆?br />

銆??浜$緤琛ョ墷鏈负鏅氾紝浣嗙櫨搴︾殑杩欎簺涓炬帾浼间箮閮芥槸琚姩搴斾粯鈥斺?鐧惧害宸茬粡涓烘浠樺嚭浜嗕笉灏戠殑浠d环锛岃嫢娌℃湁瀵圭鐞嗕綋绯诲拰鏋舵瀯鐨勫弽鎬濆拰鏀瑰杽锛岃繖涓璐规亹鎬曡繕寰楃户缁氦涓嬪幓銆?br />
銆??姝ゅ锛岀櫨搴︾殑瀹樺徃涓嶆柇璁╀汉涓嶇鎯宠捣涓変簲骞村墠涓ゅぇ闂ㄦ埛缃戞柊娴拰鎼滅嫄涔熸槸瀹樺徃涓嶆柇銆備粖澶╋紝铏界劧涓氱晫鐨勪簤鍚典竴鍒讳篃娌″仠杩囷紝浣嗘秹鍙婁粬浠殑瀹樺徃鏄矞鏈夊惉鍒般?鎵撹繃缁忔祹瀹樺徃鐨勪汉閮界煡閬擄紝涓嶇鏈?悗璋佽緭璋佽耽锛屽鍗婄殑缁撴灉閮芥槸涓よ触淇变激銆傚喌涓旓紝娑夊強浜掕仈缃戞妧鏈拰鐭ヨ瘑浜ф潈锛屽晢涓氱珵浜夌瓑鏂归潰鐨勫畼鍙革紝鐢变簬娉曞緥鏈韩閮芥槸鍦ㄥ彂灞曞畬鍠勪腑锛屽緢闅炬湁涓?釜绠?崟鍑嗙‘锛屼娇寰楀弻鏂归兘蹇冩偊璇氭湇鐨勫垽鍐崇粨鏋溿?鑰岀儲鎭肩殑澧炲姞鏄繀鐒剁殑銆傜櫨搴︽鍦ㄩ噸澶嶇潃鍥藉唴浜掕仈缃戝墠杈堜滑鎴愰暱鐨勫磶宀栭亾璺簲璇ヤ笉鏄阀鍚堬紝鐧惧害璇夊ぉ鏋佺綉娑堟伅浼犲嚭鐨勫綋澶╋紝鐧惧害鍦ㄧ編鍥界撼鏂揪鍏嬪競鍦虹殑鑲′环灏变笅璺屼簡1.37缇庡厓銆?br />

銆??绗笁绔?鐧惧害褰撴璁?br />
銆??2006骞?鏈?4鏃ョ櫨搴﹀彂甯冧簡鎴嚦6鏈?0鏃ョ殑2005骞寸浜屽搴︽湭缁忓璁¤储鎶ワ紝鎶ュ憡鏄剧ず锛岀櫨搴︾浜屽搴︽?钀ユ敹涓轰汉姘戝竵6970涓囧厓锛屽悓姣斿闀?88.6%;鍑?埄娑︿负浜烘皯甯?210涓囧厓锛屽悓姣斿闀?25.5%銆?br />

銆??璐槧鐨勭敓瀛樺湡澹?br />
銆??鏉庡溅瀹忔竻閱掑湴鎰忚瘑鍒帮紝涓浗甯傚満杩樺緢涓嶆垚鐔燂紝寰堝急灏忥紝鍙伆鎭板湪杩欐牱涓?釜骞煎皬鐨勫競鍦轰笂锛岀櫨搴﹁繖浣嶄腑鏂囨悳绱㈢殑闇镐富锛屽苟娌℃湁鍦ㄥ煿鑲插競鍦轰笂涓嬪姛澶?鐪嬬湅鐧惧害涓婁竴浜涚儹闂ㄥ叧閿瓧鐨勬悳绱㈢粨鏋滃氨鏄庣櫧姝よ█涓嶈櫄銆?br />
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銆??杩欑粍鏁版嵁浠庝晶闈㈠弽鏄犲嚭锛氬湪鍥藉唴浼犵粺浼佷笟骞舵病鏈夋妸鎼滅储褰撲綔鍏跺競鍦轰紶鎾殑涓昏鎵嬫锛屽綋鍓嶇綉姘戠殑璐拱鍔涘拰褰卞搷鍔涢兘杩樹笉瓒充互鍚稿紩閭d簺骞垮憡涓诲姏鍐涘湪缃戠粶鎼滅储涓婂仛澶х殑鎶曞叆銆?br />

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銆??涓?綅鍦ㄦ煇鐭ュ悕浜掕仈缃戞湇鍔℃彁渚涘晢宸ヤ綔鐨勪笟鍐呬汉澹寚鍑猴紝浠栦滑鐨勪笟鍔″緢渚濊禆浜掕仈缃戠殑骞垮憡鎺ㄥ箍锛屽寘鎷悳绱㈡帓鍚嶈繖绉嶅舰寮忥紝浣嗕负浜嗗疄鐜扮簿鍑嗗拰缁忔祹锛屽敖閲忛伩鍏嶆棤鏁堢偣鍑诲拰绔炰簤鐨勮?铏戯紝浠栦滑鐨勬姇鏀炬搷浣滈潪甯稿鏉傘?鍑犱箮瑕佷竴涓簰鑱旂綉鐨勪笓涓氫汉鍛橈紝姣忓ぉ瀹堝湪鎿嶄綔骞冲彴涓婄淮鎶ゆ暟鐧句釜鍏抽敭璇嶏紝璋冩暣绔炰环銆傚悓鏃讹紝涓轰簡鎼滅储鐨勬湁鏁堝拰鎺掍綅锛岀綉绔欐湰韬繕瑕佸仛澶ч噺鐨勪紭鍖栧伐浣滐紝鍙粬姣忔湀鍦ㄤ竴涓悳绱㈠紩鎿庣殑鎶曟斁涓嶈繃鍑犱竾鍏冦?杩欒閭d簺姣忓勾鎶曟斁鍗冧竾绾э紝鐢氳嚦涓婁嚎瑙勬ā鐨勪紶缁熻涓氬ぇ骞垮憡涓讳滑寰堥毦浠嬪叆銆?br />
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銆??Google浠ユ悳绱㈣捣瀹讹紝瀹冧互姝や负鍑哄彂鐐逛竴鐩村湪涓嶆柇鍒涙柊锛岀爺鍙戞柊鐨勬湇鍔′骇鍝佸拰椤圭洰銆傜幇鍦℅oogle鐨勪笟鍔″凡缁忔秹鍙婂崼鏄熸悳绱?鍗虫椂閫氳銆佺綉缁滀氦鍙嬨?缃戠粶鏃ヨ绛変簰鑱旂綉鐨勫悇涓柊棰嗗煙銆?004骞?鏈?鏃ワ紝Google鎮勭劧鎺ㄥ嚭浜?GB鐨勮秴澶mail閭锛屼竴鍛ㄥ勾涔嬪悗锛孏oogle鍙堢獊鐒跺皢Gmail鎵╁鑷?GB锛屽洜姝mail鎺ㄥ箍鐨勯?搴︾浉褰撳揩锛涙澶朑oogle妗岄潰鎼滅储宸茬粡瑁呭埌浜嗕笂鍗冧竾鐢ㄦ埛鐨勭數鑴戜笂锛涜储缁忛閬撳涓婂競鍏徃鑲″競琛ㄧ幇鍙婂叾鐩稿叧璧勮鐨勮仛闆嗗拰灞曠ず宸茬粡璁╅儴鍒嗙敤鎴蜂笉鍐嶄娇鐢ㄩ泤铏庣殑鐩稿簲鏈嶅姟锛涙鍦ㄨ瘯鐢ㄧ殑GoogleEarth鏇存槸璁╀汉鐖变笉閲婃墜銆侴oogle鍙戝睍鐨勫拕鍜勯?浜猴紝鐢氳嚦璁╁井杞潗绔嬩笉瀹夛紝灏嗗叾瀹氫綅涓鸿嚜宸辨渶澶х殑绔炰簤瀵规墜銆?br />



銆??鎹瓹NNIC鍒氬垰鍙戝竷鐨勪腑鍥芥悳绱㈠競鍦虹粺璁″垎鏋愭姤鍛婄殑甯傚満浠介涓樉绀猴紝鍦ㄦ悳绱㈡柟闈㈢櫨搴﹀崰鎹簡缁濆鐨勯鍏堝湴浣嶃?鑰岃繖涔熸鏄櫨搴︾洰鍓嶉夯鐑︿笉鏂殑涓?釜涓昏鍘熷洜銆?br />
銆??灏界鐧惧害鐨勬悳绱㈠苟闈炲畬缇庢棤缂猴紝鍙畠姣曠珶鏄幇闃舵涓枃鎼滅储涓浉瀵规渶濂界殑锛屼腑鏂囧唴瀹瑰瓨閲忔渶澶х殑锛屾洿鏂伴?搴︽渶蹇殑銆傚啀鍔犱笂鏃犺鎼滅嫍銆佺埍闂繕鏄腑鎼滆櫧鐒跺紑濮嬫椂閮芥槸璞█涓囦笀锛屼絾杩勪粖涓烘涔熼兘娌℃湁瀵圭櫨搴︽瀯鎴愬疄璐ㄤ笂鐨勫▉鑳併?闆呰檸鍦ㄤ腑鍥藉競鍦轰笂鍙樻潵鍙樺幓锛孏oogle涓浗鐨勮剼璺熶技涔庝篃杩樺湪绔欑ǔ锛屼簬鏄櫨搴﹀湪涓枃鎼滅储甯傚満鐨勨?鍨勬柇鈥濆舰鎴愪簡銆?br />



銆??鐧惧害鏂归潰缁欏嚭瑙i噴璇达紝鐧惧害宸茬粡鍦ㄥ疄鏂芥定浠蜂箣鍓嶇殑5鏈?9鏃ラ?鐭ヤ簡浠g悊鍟嗐?浣嗗紶鏂扮淮鍗磋涓猴紝鐧惧害鐨勬定浠疯涓轰笉鍗曟槸涓?鏅?鐨勪环鏍艰皟鏁达紝鑰屾槸宸茬粡鎺ㄧ炕浜嗗師鏉ョ殑绔炰环鎺掑悕娼滆鍒欍?鍥犱负鈥滀互鍓嶆槸瀹㈡埛閫氳繃绔炰簤鑷劧褰㈡垚绔炰环浠锋牸锛岀幇鍦ㄥ垯鍙樻垚浜嗙敱鐧惧害鎿嶇旱浠锋牸浜嗏?銆傝繖灏辨剰鍛崇潃锛岀珵浠风殑浠锋牸鍙湁涓婃定鑰屼笉浼氭湁鍥炶惤锛岀敤鎴蜂笉鍐嶈兘鑷富鍦版帶鍒跺叧閿瘝鐨勭敵鎶ヤ环鏍煎拰鎺掑悕浣嶆銆?br />
銆??鏈変笟鍐呬汉澹О锛屾湰鏉ョ珵浠锋帓鍚嶇殑娑堣垂宸茬粡鎸夌収鐐瑰嚮閲忚繘琛屼簡鏀惰垂锛屽悓鏃跺啀鏀跺彇涓撲笟鏈嶅姟璐瑰拰澧炲?鏈嶅姟璐癸紝宸插睘涓嶅悎鐞嗘敹璐癸紝鐜板湪鍙堝彇娑堜簡鏈?綆璧蜂环锛岀櫨搴︽槑鏄惧瓨鍦ㄥ簵澶ф瀹㈢殑琛屼负銆?br />
銆??8鏈?鏃ヤ腑鍗?2鐐癸紝10浣欏悕鐧惧害绔炰环鎺掑悕瀹㈡埛鑱氶泦鍦ㄧ櫨搴﹀叕鍙告ゼ涓嬫姉璁櫨搴︾珵浠锋帓鍚嶆楠楀鎴凤紝閫氳繃鎭舵剰鐐瑰嚮鏁涜储锛岀害鍗婁釜灏忔椂鍚庤淇濆畨椹辨暎銆?br />
銆??鎹涓猴紝姝f槸鐢变簬鍗犳嵁澶ч儴鍒嗘悳绱㈠競鍦猴紝鐧惧害鎵嶆暍蹇借鐢ㄦ埛鐨勬劅鍙楋紝鎭舵剰鐐瑰嚮娉涙互锛岀珵浠锋帓鍚嶇殑浠锋牸涓?定鍐嶆定锛涗篃鏄敱浜庢锛岀櫨搴︽墠鏁簬杞绘槗鍦版敼鍙樻笭閬撻攢鍞斂绛栵紝缃笌鍏跺叡鍚屾墦鎷煎彂灞曠殑閿?敭鍚堜綔浼欎即浜庝笉椤俱?鐢氳嚦鍑虹幇浜嗚繖绉嶆儏鍐碉紝褰撴湁浜鸿川鐤戠偣鍑绘楠楁椂锛岀櫨搴﹀洖搴旓細鐭ラ亾鏈夋楠椾綘杩樿喘涔般?鍏舵剰灏卞ソ鍍忓湪璇寸煡閬撴湁鐮傚瓙浣犲氨鍒悆鎴戠殑绫炽?骞垮憡鐢ㄦ埛铏界劧鎬ㄥ0杞介亾锛屽嵈鍙堣嫤浜庡皯鏈夋浛浠i?鎷╋紝姣曠珶鍚冩湁鐮傚瓙鐨勭背锛屼篃姣旀病鏈夌背鍚冨己寰堝銆?br />
銆??杩欑鍨勬柇鐨勬儏褰㈠鐢ㄦ埛鐨勪激瀹宠嚜涓嶅繀璇达紝瀵圭櫨搴﹁嚜韬篃鏄煁涓嬩簡瀹氭椂鐐稿脊銆?br />

銆??姝ゅ锛屾笭閬撳線寰?煇绉嶇▼搴︿笂鎺屾彙鐫?鎴疯祫婧愶紝鑰屼笖鏄竴鎵瑰鎴疯祫婧愶紝涓?棪涓庡叾鍏崇郴鎼炲兊锛屾笭閬撲笉浠呬細甯︾潃瀹㈡埛绂诲紑锛岃繕浼氬奖鍝嶄竴鐗囥?灏ゅ叾浜掕仈缃戝箍鍛婄殑鎶曟斁瀛樺湪澶嶆潅鐨勬妧鏈棶棰橈紝娌℃湁娓犻亾浠g悊鐨勮В閲婄敋鑷抽儴鍒嗙殑鍞悗鏈嶅姟宸ヤ綔锛岀櫨搴﹀氨蹇呴』瑕佸缓绔嬩竴涓簽澶х殑鏈嶅姟闃熶紞鍜屽煿璁ぇ鍐涳紝鎵嶈兘鏁欎細骞舵湇鍔″ソ浼楀鐨勫箍鍛婂鎴凤紝灏ゅ叾鏄潪IT琛屼笟鐨勫箍鍛婃姇鏀捐?銆?br />


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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Proficient will learn: Eclipse Shortcut Guide

Eclipse Shortcut Guide
This document from the Eclipse software order is to set out the standard shortcut keys, not listed in the Emacs shortcut.





Overall situation

Find and Replace

Ctrl + F

Text Editor

Find a

Ctrl + Shift + K

Text Editor

Find Next

Ctrl + K

Overall situation


Ctrl + Z

Overall situation


Ctrl + C

Overall situation

Restoration of a choice

Alt + Shift + 鈫?br />
Overall situation


Ctrl + X

Overall situation

Quick correction

Ctrl1 +1

Overall situation

Content assist

Alt + /

Overall situation

Select all

Ctrl + A

Overall situation



Overall situation

Context information

Alt +?

Alt + Shift +?

Ctrl + Shift + Space

Java Editor

Show tooltip description


Java Editor

Select Package elements

Alt + Shift + 鈫?br />
Java Editor

An element of choice

Alt + Shift + 鈫?br />
Java Editor

Select the next element

Alt + Shift + 鈫?br />
Text Editor

Incremental Find

Ctrl + J

Text Editor

Incremental Find Reverse

Ctrl + Shift + J

Overall situation


Ctrl + V

Overall situation


Ctrl + Y





Overall situation


Ctrl + =

Overall situation


Ctrl + -





Overall situation

Activate Editor


Overall situation

Switch editor

Ctrl + Shift + W

Overall situation

A Editor

Ctrl + Shift + F6

Overall situation

A view

Ctrl + Shift + F7

Overall situation

A perspective

Ctrl + Shift + F8

Overall situation

Next Editor

Ctrl + F6

Overall situation

Next view

Ctrl + F7

Overall situation

The next perspective

Ctrl + F8

Text Editor

Show Ruler Context Menu

Ctrl + W

Overall situation

Show View Menu

Ctrl + F10

Overall situation

Display System Menu

Alt + -




Java Editor

Open Structure

Ctrl + F3

Overall situation

Open type

Ctrl + Shift + T

Overall situation

Open the type hierarchy


Overall situation

Open statement


Overall situation

Open external javadoc

Shift + F2

Overall situation

Open Resources

Ctrl + Shift + R

Overall situation

Back History

Alt + 鈫?br />
Overall situation

Forward history

Alt + 鈫?br />
Overall situation


Ctrl +,

Overall situation


Ctrl +.

Java Editor

Show Outline

Ctrl + O

Overall situation

Open type in the hierarchy

Ctrl + Shift + H

Overall situation

Go to matching bracket

Ctrl + Shift + P

Overall situation

Go to last edit location

Ctrl + Q

Java Editor

Go on a member of the

Ctrl + Shift + 鈫?br />
Java Editor

Go to the next member

Ctrl + Shift + 鈫?br />
Text Editor

Go to line

Ctrl + L





Overall situation

Appear in the document

Ctrl + Shift + U

Overall situation

Open the Search dialog box

Ctrl + H

Overall situation

Work area statement

Ctrl + G

Overall situation

Reference to the work area

Ctrl + Shift + G


Text Editor




Text Editor

Rewrite switch


Text Editor

The roll line

Ctrl + 鈫?br />
Text Editor

Roll down line

Ctrl + 鈫?br />





Overall situation


Ctrl + X

Ctrl + S

Overall situation


Ctrl + P

Overall situation


Ctrl + F4

Overall situation

Save All

Ctrl + Shift + S

Overall situation

All closed

Ctrl + Shift + F4

Overall situation


Alt + Enter

Overall situation


Ctrl + N





Overall situation

All Construction

Ctrl + B
Source Code




Java Editor


Ctrl + Shift + F

Java Editor


Ctrl +
Java Editor


Ctrl + /

Java Editor

Add Import

Ctrl + Shift + M

Java Editor

Organized into

Ctrl + Shift + O

Java Editor

Use try / catch block to surround

Is not set, too common, so listed here, it is recommended to set their own.
You can also use Ctrl +1 automatic correction.





Overall situation

Step Back


Overall situation

Step over


Overall situation

Single-step jump


Overall situation

Select single-step jump

Ctrl + F5

Overall situation

Debug last launched


Overall situation



Overall situation

Use filters to single-step

Shift + F5

Overall situation

Add / Remove breakpoint

Ctrl + Shift + B

Overall situation


Ctrl + D

Overall situation

Run last start

Ctrl + F11

Overall situation

Run to line

Ctrl + R

Overall situation


Ctrl + U





Overall situation

Revocation of Reconstruction

Alt + Shift + Z

Overall situation

Extraction Method

Alt + Shift + M

Overall situation

Extract local variable

Alt + Shift + L

Overall situation


Alt + Shift + I

Overall situation


Alt + Shift + V

Overall situation


Alt + Shift + R

Overall situation


Alt + Shift + Y


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